Top 7 Mohenjo-Daro Facts

1. Though Mohanjo-Daro was built as early as 26th century BC, it was discovered only in 1921. The excavation works continued for four decades, and it was finally completed in 1964. It is regarded as one of the earliest modern city's in the world.

2. Though no one knows the actual name of this ancient city, it is believed that it was earlier known as "Kukkutarma" - the Dravidian name meaning "the city of cockerels".

3. The great bath is a bathing pool made of bricks polished with natural tar to make it waterproof. The 8-feet deep, 23-feet wide, 39-feet long bathing pool had changing rooms and bathrooms around it, and is believed to have been used for religious purification purposes.
4. The 5000-year-old ruins of a once a hustling and bustling city are fast crumbling, and expert archaeologists state that it will survive only for another 20 years.
5. Can you believe that we are still following Mohenjo Daro style of ornaments? We love beaded jewellery, and the type of ornaments range from small nose pins to large necklaces along with other body decorations, and they too used similar jewellery.
6. The name Mohenjo-daro is reputed signify “the mound of the dead”(मृतकों का टीला). The archaeological importance of the site was first recognized in 1922, one year after the discovery of Harappa.
7. Mohenjo-daro was the most advanced city of its time, with remarkably sophisticated (जटिल) civil engineering and urban planning. When the Indus civilization went into sudden decline around 1900 BCE, Mohenjo-daro was abandoned(छोड़ा हुआ).
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(अगर आप इस तरह की पोस्ट चाहते हैं तो हमारे ब्लॉग को सब्सक्राइब करें और यह भी टिप्पणी करें जो आपकी राय में सबसे दिलचस्प तथ्य था।)

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