In this post we brought "Did You Know ?" Facts for you.
1. The Firefox is not a type of fox. It is the nickname of Red Panda.
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Red Panda |
2. Rabbits and Parrots can look behind themselves without turning their heads.
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Rabbits and Parrots |
3. In 2013, Oxford Dictionaries chose 'Selfie' as the word of the year.
4. In 1939, a book titled 'Gadsby' was Printed. It contained quite 50,000 words however, none of them had the letter 'e'.
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Gadsby |
5. 'Facetious' is the word that has all the five vowels in the alphabetical order.
6. Pandas spent upto 14 hours a day eating.
7. A town in Nevada is called 'Jackpot'.
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Jackpot |
8.'Nyctophobia' is a type of phobia concerned with the fear of darkness.
9. A group of goats is called 'Trip of Goat'.
10. Twelve cows are known as 'Flink'.
11. A group of crows is called as 'Murder'!
12. A newly hatched fish is named a 'fry'.
13. The hippopotamus grazes on land only at night. It spends the day resting in water.
14. An Ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
15. Wolves can go for almost a whole week without eating.
16. A cat sees six times better than human at the hours of darkness.
17. Rabbits are crepuscular which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk.
18. Cows can sense when a storm is approaching and will lie down.
19. A baby lamp can recognise and identify its mother by her bleat.
20. Some breeds of chickens like the Araucana and Ameraucana can lay blue or green eggs.
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Ameraucana |
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Araucana |
21. The first Taxi Service began in New York in 1907.
22. The first Toothbrush was invented in 1498.
23. The first parachute jump from plane was in 1918 over france.
24. The founder of Mc Donald has a Bachelor degree in Hamburgerology.
25. Turtles can breathe through their butts.
26. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
27. Squirrels forget where they hide about half of their nuts.
28. The first sailing boats were built in Egypt.
29. Paper money was initially used in China.
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First Paper Money |
30. The first English Dictionary was written in 1755.
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First English Dictionary |
31. The Gaboon Viper has the longest fangs of all snakes; they measure up to 4 cm.
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Gabon Viper |
32.The call of a howler monkey can be heard at east 3 miles away.
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Howler Monkey |
33. The only animal that can break the shell of the Brazil nut is a rodent named the Agouti.
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Agouti |
34. In contrast to most other monkeys, the probosics monkey can swim!
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Probosics Monkey |
35. Male electric eels make nests out of their saliva!
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Male electric eels |
36. An anteater flicks its tongue up to 160 times in a minute!
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Anteater |
37. One million Earths colud fit inside the sun- and the sun is considered an average-size star.
38. If you could fly a plane to Pluto, the trip would take more than 800 years!
39. The sunset on Mars appears blue.
40. In 2007, a man named Martin Strel swam the complete length of the Amazon river.
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Martin Strel |
41. Kiwi birds are blind, so they hunt by smell.
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Kiwi |
42. A horse has 'monocular' vision, which means that a different image is seen by each eye. The horse sees two different pictures at the same time.
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Monocular Vision of Horse |
43. Octopuses communicate by changing their skin colour and give out high-pitched squawking noises.
44. There are more than 150 breeds of dogs divided into eight classes: hound, terrier, sporting, working, non-sporting, herding, toy and miscellaneous.
45. Rhinos like to cover themselves in mud to protect their skin from the sun and ward off parasites.
46. Lovebird, parakeets and doves enjoy living in pairs for companionship.
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Lovebirds |
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Parakeets |
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Dove |
47. The first bird that was domesticated by humans was the goose.
48. Crows are so intelligent that they can play pranks on each other.
49. A Cheetah's facial 'tear marks' help reduce the sun's glare while hunting.
50. The area between the eyebrows (just above the nose) is called Glabella.
If you have any doubts or queries, please let us know.