A Letter from Past to Present India


Shakuntala Villa,

Vedic Era Street,


Bharat Varsha

To the People of New India,

Greetings from the past! I am writing this letter as an observer from ancient times, witnessing the present situations in your beloved land. As I peer through the corridors of time, I notice a stark contrast between the way women were revered and respected in our ancient society and the current objectification they face.

In our glorious past, women held the highest position in society. They were cherished as embodiments of strength, wisdom, & compassion. The scriptures celebrated the goddesses, and women were revered as the very essence of life. Our society recognized their power and acknowledged their essential role in shaping the world.

But alas, it appears that with the passage of time, some of these values have eroded, and a shift in mindset has occurred. Today, I witness the objectification of women in various aspects of Indian society. It deeply saddens me to see women being treated as mere objects for the pleasure of others, rather than as equal human beings with rights, dignity, and aspirations.

In modern times, women are often judged based on their appearance rather than their capabilities. They are bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards propagated by media and advertising. This relentless objectification reduces women to mere physical attributes, neglecting their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual strengths.

The Indian mindset seems to have deviated from the path of our ancestors, who believed in empowering women and recognizing their immense contributions. The roles women play in households, workplaces, and society have been undervalued and underappreciated, leading to a significant gender disparity.

Moreover, instances of violence against women have risen, which is deeply disheartening. Our ancient teachings emphasized compassion, love, and respect for all living beings, regardless of gender. It pains me to witness the disregard for these teachings in the present society, as incidents of harassmentabuse, and discrimination against women continue to tarnish the nation's reputation.

We need to reflect on the values that shaped our ancient civilization and learn from our past. The empowerment of women is not a threat to society but a catalyst for progress and growth. We must rekindle the spirit of reverence for women, acknowledging their significance and providing them with equal opportunities to thrive.

To address these issues, it is crucial for each individual to introspect and challenge their own beliefs and behaviorsParents must instill values of equality and respect in their children from an early age, teaching them to treat women as equalsEducation plays a vital role in shaping mindsets, so it is imperative to include lessons that promote gender equality and respect in the curriculum.

The media and entertainment industry can also play a pivotal role in changing perceptions. Portraying women in strong, diverse, and meaningful roles can help challenge existing stereotypes and break the chains of objectification.

Let us not forget the strength and resilience of our ancient women who played vital roles in shaping our civilization. Their legacy should serve as a guiding light, inspiring us to create a society where women are celebrated for their contributions rather than objectified for their appearance.

In conclusion, I urge you, dear people of India, to honor the teachings of our ancestors and work towards building a inclusive society where women are not objectified but respected as equals. Embrace the richness of our past, and let it guide you in creating a brighter and more equitable future for all.

With hope for a better tomorrow,

Veda Devi (From the Past)

Disclaimer: The names, addresses, and characters mentioned in this article are purely fictional and do not represent any real individuals, locations, or events. The article is written in the context of reflecting on the past and the present state of Indian society, with the aim of promoting awareness and understanding of the importance of respecting and empowering women.


Stop Objectifying, Start Glorifying


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